Hi All,
I have configured SWNCONFIG and scheduled the job SWNSELSEN.The work items are going to lotus.
I have some queries mentioned below.
1. SWNSELSEN programe is taking around 20 minutes to run because there are many(thousands of) old work items of users available in inbox.
it is picking all the old work items(existing work items in inbox of users).Can't we stop those? can''t we send the new work items which are coming after schedule the job?
2.My users have two types of work items...one is webdynpro forms...and standard work items (generated by User decision steps).
there are around 10 different webdynpro forms.how can i give URL i.e link in SWNCONFIG to execute those from lotus or outlook.
3.In which step i can restrict the tasks for sending selected work items to lotus or outlook?
4.Can we send sap notifications(documents) to lotus or outlook?if so how?
I hope you understand my requirement.waiting for your help.