Hello community,
i am facing a strange problem while completing bpm tasks. System is 7.3.1 SP5. User opens bpm task out of UWL or directly via link out of a email. The task UI is a WD4J component. Claiming works fine, UI is shown and user can work with it but on completion, an exception occours and the task does not complete and stays in the UEL. All the WD4J logic on completion is executed correctly before the exception occours. This only happens in about 1 out of 100 cases and i can not recreate it on purpose. Anyway this is very very annoying in the productiv system since the user thinks the task is completed correctly and clicks it away. By the way, the user ofcourse is authorized via relevant bpm roles and can complete other tasks as well.
Here a part of the stacktrace:
Thanks for your help.
BR Tobias.