Hi Experts,
We have implemented fiori launch pad for FI approval. We are using custom workflow and task for approval.
Workitem is visible in Fiori launch pad. We are facing issue for attachments. Attachments are not visible in fiori.
We are calling module pool screen in task and screen call standard transaction FB03 . User can add attachement from FB03
in SAP. Now this same attachment has to be reflecting in fiori that is dyanmic attachment.
As a solution i have implemented some coding in BOR. Have created SOFM object instance in method. But i am not able to
pas it to workflow _ATTACH_OBJECTS.
Please look at below code and suggest for solution
classname = 'lc_bus
classtype = 'lc_clstype
objkey = '1ls_lpor-instid
all = 'lc_x
no_gos_docs = ''
all_connections = lt_conn
no_objects_found = 1
error_kpro = 2
internal_error = 3
not_authorized = 4
others = 5.
loop at lt_conn into ls_conn.
move ls_conn-loio_id to sofmkey-key.
swc_create_object att 'SOFM' sofmkey.
* * Insert object reference into multiline object reference
append att to attlist.
clear ls_conn.
swc_set_table container '_ATTACH_OBJECTS' attlist.
I also tried with SAP_WAPI_WRITE_CONTAINER but can not pass object instance to workflow container.