To enable logon load balancing for our workflow, we have implemented SAP note "888279 - Regulating/distributing the workflow load" bullet point 2.
To do so we deleted the type L WORKFLOW_LOCAL_XXX destination in SM59 and recreated it as a type 3 (ABAP) connection instead, enabling load balancing via a logon group in which we have put the application servers where we want workflow to run. We had to do RFC enable in SMLG for that logon group as well.
It worked fine for a long time until someone needed to run SWU3, WORKFLOW Configuration again.
I don't know why it was needed to run the WF config again but what it did was obviously to check for the existence of a WORKFLOW_LOCAL_XXX destination of the type logical and when it did not find that (as ours is of type ABAP) it deleted the existing one and recreated it as destination, type L.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening again, in case someone needs to run the WF config. again?
One would think that SAP should be able to implement a check in SWU3, if the WF destination exists of any type, and if so, ask if it should use the already existing one or recreate the default type L destination.
Would be interesting to hear the thoughts from the world.
Thanks in advance!
Dan Michaeli
Tetra Pak, Sweden