Hi Experts,
I've already read posts already, and then decided to ask personally here as so far the info i've collected is still not enough and I am still uncertain.
So i need your opinions on the matter.
1. Employees has Identification Nos. -> Identification Nos also used as their user names for portal/R/3
2. Foreign Employees are issued with identification nos. in a different format, to differentiate them from residents/locals.
3. Sometimes foreign employees are offered permanent residency or they would apply themselves for permanent residency, now if they are granted permanent residency then their Identification number will change too.
Now, upon the transition to permanent residency, we also want to transfer all the work items from the old user id to the new user id automatically.
From what I read there are two ways:
1. Substitution Rule
2. forward workitems via FM - SAP_WAPI_FORWARD_WORKITEM
1. Substitution rule - i think it fits well on the scenario but from what I read so far, this is done manually, can we do this on code?if so how? say a background program or an enhancement that will be triggered upon maintaining the PERNR to the new Identification.
I saw this FM rh_substitution_maintain being mentioned on one the posts, but when i checked it, it's quite confusing on how to use it.
2. FM SAP_WAPI_FORWARD_WORKITEM - this seems a direct answer, create a program to retrieve entries from Table SWWUSERWI, but still I am not sure. Basically it is just the same person, same roles, position and org, so can i assume that he will still be a possible agent for this workitem? and so no problem when forwarding via this solution? or am i still missing/forgot variables that i need to consider?
Anyways - I'm leaning on using option 1, my question is to how.
So guys, would like to have your opinions on this topic.