Hi there,
sorry again for posting so many questions, but I'm really lost...
I have a SAPUI5 application to approve/decline tasks...
UsingFirefox/Chrome it works without problems.
But some users are facing issues when using IE (most probably it's only IE9).
They're not able to complete the task, whereas claiming the task works (this is done when the first view is launched).
If they use Firefox it works for them!
And even more strange is the fact that it also works in IE if I nominate the user as task owner before the application is launched.
That's really weird, because the user was already the task owner before!
This is what I see in the log (see also attachment for further details):
com.sap.bpm.odata.exception.BPMODataException: The current user is not authorized to complete task
The user definitively has sufficient rights to complete task. Otherwise it would not work with other browsers.
Maybe it has something to do with my OData model:
var taskDataSvcURL = "/bpmodata/taskdata.svc/" + taskId; var oDataModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(taskDataSvcURL, true, false);
The task is completing by the following code:
// Create output data var outputData = {}; var approveRequestType = {}; // Fill status var status = {}; status.Action = action; status.ChangedOn = getCurrentTimestamp(); status.Details = details; status.ChangedBy = getUser(); // Set status approveRequestType.Status = status; outputData.ApproveRequestType = approveRequestType; //Call BPM OData service oDataModel.create("/OutputData", outputData, null, fSuccess, fError);
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,