In Standard ESS application we have Manager field. If an employee apply leave WS21500001 workflow trigger and sends mail to the Manager.
But now my requirement is I added one custom field CUSTOMER01. I need one Custom approver in middle of Employee and Manager. So I copied WS21500001 workflow and doing multi level approval by changing the status of workflow from Approved to SENT. Now my problem is First level approver should be middle Manager(i.e who ever we give value in CUSTOMER01 Field) and next level is original manager(standard field). But when an employee creates a Leave I tried to modfiy REQ-->N_PROCESSOR value at run time in PT_GEN_REQ Badi.. But mail is going to both Custom Manager and Manager(standard field) at a time.. So can you help/guide me how to stop sending mail to original manager and how to send mail to Custom manager.. Where should I do the change/modify code to change N_PROCESSOR. Please let me know if I am clear with issue and for any information.
Thanks for your time.