Hello Guys,
I am developing an application which uses a Request->Approve->Create approach for creating Purchase documents.
Now I am a little puzzled about how to make use of the Business Object BUS2014.
- The application I am developing has its own unique 'Request Number' (say REQID) which will point to the Request for Creation of a purchase order.
- Whenever a Request is created (from a Z-Tcode) a workflow needs to be initiated and it has to be sent to the approver.
- The Purchase Document will be created once the approver approves.
Now my confusion here is, if I use BUS2014, the object will be instantiated only during the final step of the workflow. But I need an instance during the beginning of the Requestor ->Approver negotiations as I am playing with events. These events needs an Object_key.
How should I proceed here?
- Should I create a new logical Business Object like ZPOREQ where I have the above mentioned REQID as the key?
- And should I have an attribute of type BUS2014 inside the custom BO?
- How will I make use of the methods like BUS2014.Create etc which I may need to create the purchase document?
Any small direction will be a huge help for me to get used to this wilderness.