Hi WF Gurus,
I have some workflow question/issue as described below.
Requirement: I will get list of apporvers via triggering event parameters, and I have a fork with 4 branches , using first branch of fork, I am looping through the agents table and sending the workitem in loop to each of the approvers sequentially, once all the approvers approve the request I am raising an event APPROVED from webdynpro abap screen which is attached approve/reject screen tied via task visualization settings i.e. screen for approvers to take action.
The second branch will wait for event approved event and followed by posting to database step ( To post the HIRE action to ECC) and approve event which will only be raised if all approvers approve the request in the first branch.
3,4 branches of fork waits for events reject/cancel events respectively, upon receiving the event, it will complete the respective branch and respective notifications are sent .
For the fork Required no of branches are 2.
The issue is once the work item is sent to all approvers in the first branch of the fork is fulfilled, and also APPORVED event is triggered for 2nd brach of fork, the following step after the wait for Approved POST action to database is getting logically deleted.
Is there any way to control this and do you have a suggestion how this can be better achieved , see attachment.
Thanks in advance.
Srinivas M.