Hi Friends,
I am building an application in which I need to launch a Dynpro View using WF decision task. Can any one suggest me the number of approach for doing it. Few of them I have identified.
1 - Create a custom task and insert the hyper link of DynPro application in the task description, user will click on the WI at UWL & then click on the link to launch WF.
Q : Can we Directly launch DynPro view instead of providing him URL in description?
Q : In the above approach do I have created a custom task, so is it required to do Custom Task in Workflow Visualization settings?
Q : As soon as workitem is reaching in backend workplace I can see it at UWL, but when I am launching it below error occurring.
Failed to resolve Object based Navigation Target "SAP_ERP_Common.SWF_WIOBN.NAVIGATON".
Kindly Suggest on above points.