Can anyone let me know , how to trigger an event explicitlity by creating a record using SWEC TCODE.I tried to trigger an event explicitly , but it did not work.so basically below is what i did.
1. I creaetd a workflow based class Z_TEST_SALESORDER_WF with Event CREATE and workflorw key as VBELN type VBAK-VBELN.
2 .Next in TCODE SWEC i created a entry for CHANGE action with above class and event for the Sales order change object VERKBELEG.
3. Next i created sales order using VA01 and changed the sales order quantity using VA02 . I can see a entry in the CDHDR table for the object VERKBELEG , but when i check the event trace using TCODE SWEL , i cannot see anything triggered againts my class Z_TEST_SALESORDER_WF. Please note that i have already activated the event trace using SWELS tcode.
In the TCODE SWEC to create a new entry i clicked on New Entry button and entered the Sales order change object VERKBELEG , class as Z_TEST_SALESORDER_WF and event as CREATE .Do i need to do anything else apart from the above steps.
Just to cross verify whether my class implementation is correct I manually tried to trigger a event using SWUE and I could see the Event got triggered in trace TCODE SWEL .
So i suspect i am missing something.
Can anyone let me know if i am missing anything.