I need to find out who is the processor of a task (the user which claimed the task) using BPM OData. The task is in status RESERVED and I am able to the see the processor from Netweaver Administrator but I am unable to extract this information using BPM OData for my custom UI implementation.
I am making a successful HTTP GET request to bpmodata/tasks.svc/TaskCollection('292046e31dce11e68f8d000007d5ab5e')?$format=json and I receive the following information:
"InstanceID": "bpm%3A%2F%2Fbpm.sap.com%2Ftask-instance%2F292046e31dce11e68f8d000007d5ab5e",
"TaskDefinitionID": "bpm%3A%2F%2Fbpm.sap.com%2Ftask-model%2Fe01b7d1a22e198a1e19f11e581e9fc4dd4d9e6fe",
"TaskDefinitionName": "Approval Decision Task",
"TaskTitle": "Approval Decision Task [26540]",
"Priority": "MEDIUM",
"Status": "RESERVED",
"CreatedOn": "/Date(1463668197198)/",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedByName": "",
"Processor": "",
"StartDeadLine": null,
"CompletionDeadLine": null,
"ExpiryDate": null,
"IsEscalated": false,
"SupportsClaim": false,
"SupportsRelease": true,
"SupportsForward": true,
"SupportsComments": true,
"IsSubstituted": false,
"SubstitutedUser": ""
The problem is that both Processor and CreatedBy values are empty even though I can clearly see them in Netweaver Administrator as seen below:
How can I get the processor of the task using BPM Odata?
Thank you.