I am new to WF,
My target is, to send email to Requistion approver that there is purchase requisition has been created and waiting to be approve.
As I have Overall Release, so I need to go via
WS20000077, Task TS20000159 and the agent determination Rule 20000026.
There are some errors.. to start with I found the rule 20000026 has FM(ME_REL_GET_RESPONSIBLE) with category 'Agent determination'.
I found that if I simulate it does not find the agent.
While simulation, container 'Release code' is not showing release codes set in IMG V_T16FC-FRGCO (under - Set Up Procedure with Classification )
but it is showing IMG setting V_161E ( Set Up Procedure Without Classification )... I believe which is wrong !!!
Under the Container tab, I double click, release code and I found it has follwing info
Structure RM06B
Initial value tab also has values from V_T16FC-FRGCO (under - Set Up Procedure with Classification )
So wondering whether this is correct !!!