I am trying to understand how to link SAP workflow event with a change document details.
I know how to create a change document TCODE SCDO and all , what ai am not able to understand is how does workflow recognize what is the key for the event to be triggered.
for e.g i have a customClass name Z_CL BUS2032 fof sales order for which i have a event called create, which i trigger using explicit trigger from program and i link a customize workflow to this event in the event linkage tcode SWE2 to start a workflow.
Now assume i have a case where if billing block (VBAK-FAKSK) is changed to 01 then logically delete the exsisting workflow and trigger a new workflow.
So in order to cater to above requirement i use SWEC tcode and use ONCHAGE action and have a event DELETE for Z_CL BUS2032 class, but now my question is how does it determine the key because in SWEC we dont enter the key.
can anyone help me for the above scenario.
Any e.g doc for SWEC usage would be much appreciated.