Hi friends,
My requirement is like there will be two workflows, both the workflow will be triggered when a document is parked. The first workflow just involves 2 steps, the initiator parks the document and his supervisor posts the document. There is no release or release from amount involved here. The second workflow gets triggered when a vendor invoice is parked, this will pass through all the release steps and then posted.
In SPRO, when we create a variant, there is a checkbox "Posting Release", the event CREATED of FIPP is only triggered if we mark this checkbox, else its not triggered ( in standard FM PP_WF_CREATED line no 109, "check not vbwf01-xwfbu is initial" ). So, only the second workflow can be triggered as per configuration.
Is there any enhancements where i can trigger the first workflow manually. As of now, I see one customer exit EXIT_SAPLF051_002 in function PP_WF_CREATED( just before the actual release workflow CREATED event is registered ) where I can register the event CREATED ( business object copy of FIPP to ZIPP ) for first workflow and stop the second workflow from triggering. I am skeptical about this because this customer exit is used only for stopping the workflow which is registered after this customer exit is called.
Do we have any BTE or customer exits which gets triggered after the document is parked. I didn't find any as of now
Provide your inputs on this approach.