Hi all,
I am new to SAP Business Workflow and are playing a little bit with my first own workflow using the FORMABSENC business object. My structure is:
1. I have two possible start events. The container variable "MYSTARTEVENT" is set to 1 or 2, depending on the start event.
2. As next, I have a condition. Depending on the MYSTARTEVENT a different branch is chosen.
3. In each branch there is a Create-Activity. The names are different (Create 1 and Create 2).
4. The branches are merged again in such a little black dot, which was created automatically during creation of the condition.
5. Finally there is an update activity.
Triggering the events and also the condition work fine. After that the user has the respective create object in the inbox and can process it. After processing, the workflow continues, but is hanging at the point where the branches are merged again. The user assignment to the "Update" activity is just like to the other steps. Has anyone an idea, what the problem could be?
Thank you for helping!
Just as further help for understanding the process flow:
E1 E2
| |
\ /
/ \
Cr1 Create2
\ /
\ /
o <== Here it is hanging
WF terminated