Hi Experts,
I wanted to trigger a custom workflow during sales order creation/change. As I wanted to start workflow only based on some complex conditions I have decided to trigger it from user exit MV45AFZZ/USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT. Buidling this logic as workflow starting condition or @ event linkage is not possible.
I can think of two options here to start workflow from user exit.
Option1: Start the workflow directly with the FM SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW'. I doubt workflow triggerd in this way is not linked to the transaction and thus I shouldnt be able to see this from VA02/03?
Option2: Link my custom workflow to an event and triggering the event using FM SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT. Events CREATED/CHANGED for business object BUS2032 are triggered whenever sales order is changed/created. I am confused here about what event I need to link to my workflow and trigger? Do I need to create a subtype for 2032 and link my custom workflow and trigger CREATED & CHANGED event? As I am not changing anything for the business object my question is why should I create a subtype?
Much appriciated for any calrification on this,
Rams V.