Hi all,
we are not using portal or nwbc, so we are not using UWL.
and our users wanted to access the SBWP inbox via browser.
we found the blog http://scn.sap.com/community/bpm/blog/2012/11/23/which-workflow-inbox-when-pros-and-cons-for-sap-business-workflow-and-sap-netweaver-bpm
configured POWL application http://eccdev.mycompany.com/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ibo_wda_inbox with appropriate application configuration IBO_WDAC_POWL_INBOX.
we are now able to see the notifications/mails, with body content. But we are not able to see how to view the attachments if it is there in the mail.
for purpose of testing, i sent a mail to DEV5 user, with a pdf attachment. from powl inbox, we could not open/navigate to the attachment.
but in sbwp inbox, i can see/open the attachment if it was received in the mail.
Is there any way to enable viewing of attachment in powl inbox.
is there any alternative way, where we can see enterire mail box in browser (without using UWL).