Hi all,
We’re upgrading to SRM7 (technical only) from SRM5 and using our old Custom Application Controlled Workflows.
We're on EHP2 for SAPSRM 702.
We’ve always used a Check Function Module in the Event Linkage table to prevent multiple workflows from kicking off for Purchase Order Change Versions if the same GUID is already involved in an active workflow process.
So if the Check Function module (referenced in SWETYPV) finds an active workflow using that PO GUID, it exits gracefully with our friendly exception NO_WORKFLOW.
In SRM7, however, this is interpreted as something completely different in the PDO layer…
A very nasty error is displayed to the user ("Cannot get process info; function throws exception Workflow Not Found" and "PDO Layer error")
Has anyone else had to change their methodology of using Check FMs in SRM? I know I can put a task in the workflow to check for other flows on the same GUID, but Check FMs seemed to work so nicely before. We could probably also put this check in the Doc Check BADI.
Related to any other searches on SCN I have done, the business object BUS2201 is generated and fine, the workflow customizing has been done and is fine. OSS notes 1531709 and 1442808 are for an earlier release, and OSS 1422084 was related to Quotations.
Thanks in advance,