hi Good day,
i have searched the Forums a lot and i found that majarity of them want to attach the PDF or SMARTFORMS to send mail step.
but my requirment is that i need to attach the TRANSACTION CODE : CBIH82 with INC.LOG.
So when the user clicks the attachment it displays the TCODE : CBIH82,
I have written the code and i get the MAIL with ATTACHMENT but it is 1KB in size
i have never done this and i would like have your input.
how can i achieve this? From Forums i found that i
1. need to instantiate the SOFM in method and call the method .
CONSTANTS:c_object_describe TYPE swotobjid-describe VALUE '*<OBJECT>*',
c_url TYPE rvari_vnam VALUE 'KPURL',
c_url1 TYPE soodk-objtp VALUE 'URL',
c_desc TYPE sodocchgi1-obj_descr VALUE 'LINK1'.
DATA: lv_title TYPE sood-objdes,
l_object TYPE swotobjid,
l_objheader TYPE soxobj,
objhead TYPE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE,
attach TYPE swc_object,
lv_st_url TYPE char255,
lv_key TYPE sibfboriid. .
DATA : lt_doc_content TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli-line WITH HEADER
MOVE object-key TO lv_key.
break 9997500.
*create OBJ attachment
l_object-describe = c_object_describe.
l_object-objtype = 'BUS1240'.
l_object-objkey = object-key.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_object TO l_objheader.
APPEND l_objheader TO objhead.
MOVE 'Inc.Log' TO lv_title.
swc_create_object attach 'SOFM' space.
*swc_call_method attach 'Create' l_cont.
swc_set_element CONTAINER 'NO_DIALOG' 'X'.
swc_set_element CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTTITLE' lv_title.
swc_set_table CONTAINER 'DocumentContent' lt_doc_content.
swc_set_table CONTAINER 'DocumentHeader' objhead.
*swc_set_element CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTTYPE' 'URL'.
*swc_set_element CONTAINER 'Enjoy' 'X'.
*swc_call_method attach 'Create' l_cont.
swc_get_element l_cont '_Result' attach.
swc_set_element container 'Attachment' attach.
am not sure if this the right way but i have tried.
please help me as to how i would be able to attache in SEND MAIL ATTACHMENT.
Thank you,