i am trying to understand the underlying concept in following things:(neednot to say i have searched alot and read sap documentation already).
In event type linkage table say i have an entry for BOR -> AFVC_PM.
As per sap Documentation says all these FM will trigger in following way.
1 Check Function Module (to place any validations/checks)
2 Receiver Type Function Module ()
3 Receiver Function Module.
Thats fine.
This is what documentation says about Receiver Type FM(2nd FM) not Receiver FM(3rd FM).
This FM has 1 export paramter
Export parameters
RECTYPE type SWETYPECOU-RECTYPE Receiver type( Result of the evaluation by the receiver type function module.)
if i am understanding this right, in this FM receiver type will be decided .
i have placed BREAK-POINT in this FM and passing value WS90000024 (Workflow with simple mail step) in export parameter RECTYPE.
after everything executed successfully why i can't see that mail in my inbox.
Please correct me if i had misunderstood the concept .